Otto Ganz
Enter the captivating world of Otto Ganz, a polymath whose artistic prowess transcends boundaries. With a distinguished background in art, specializing in the intriguing realm of Funerary Architecture History, Ganz’s talents extend far beyond conventional academia. As a poet, writer, and novelist, he weaves narratives that resonate with the human soul.
Yet, it is his role as a steward of Belgium’s cemeteries that truly sets Ganz apart. In the quiet contemplation amidst the graves, he finds inspiration, drawing from the profound insights gained through the constant and necessary activity of gravedigging. This unique perspective infuses his art with an unparalleled depth, offering a poignant exploration of life’s mysteries.
Ganz’s creations are a testament to his boundless creativity and ingenuity. From the traditional strokes of pen, pencil, and ink to the unconventional mediums of coffee, walnut stain, and organic liquids, his works exude a mesmerizing allure. Each piece, originally crafted with meticulous care on paper using Tempera, serves as a portal to a realm where imagination knows no bounds.
At the heart of Ganz’s collection lies the “Little People” – exquisite, one-of-a-kind treasures that beckon collectors and art enthusiasts alike. Each figurine embodies a unique story, a fragment of Ganz’s profound understanding of the human condition. As you delve into the enchanting world of his art, prepare to be captivated by the beauty and depth that lies within each stroke of his brush.
“Accustomed that we are with Raphaels’ angels, beautiful chubby children with curly hair, “Little People” by the artist Otto Ganz provokes us a certain aversion, because after all, Narcissus thinks everything that is not a mirror is ugly, but Little People are equally angels to show us what mirrors reflect as reality. Even though they look ugly at first glance, they have the sweetness and beauty of any other being. Without the blinding envelope of superficial beauty, Little People convey their many messages incisively to the depths of our introspections. One of the most eloquent expressions of contemporary art.”
“Le Petit Peuple is a principle of observation, of capture rather than of creation. In this, these Little People are viral: once you have spotted one of its members, the others appear everywhere. A constant application of what Salvador Dali calls the “paranoia-critical method”, a training in pareidolia”. OG
“Pas terrifiant. terrifié… la bêtise humaine tout autant que ses fulgurances.” OG
“Sous une diversité d’expressions — poétique, romanesque, plasticienne —, l’œuvre d’Otto Ganz se confronte aux expériences-limites et s’adonne à la traversée des apparences. La radicalité de son geste se traduit dans le choix de la densité. Une densité atomique de la pensée et une densité intensive du verbe qui se tiennent au plus loin de la pesanteur et des conventions.”
*Véronique Bergen – Belgian novelist and essayist. Pubblished on “Le Carnet et les Instants”.
Otto Ganz
Date of birth: 12 September 1970
Belgian nationality
• Diploma of advanced studies in Medieval Studies
• Bachelor’s degree in Archeology and History of Art, specialization in History of Funerary Architecture
• Diploma of Professional Education in Decorative Arts
• Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy
“The basis of the “Petit Peuple”, there are two rules: silence and the bond. My drawings must impose silence. The Little People is built ONLY on the search for the link between beings.” – Otto Ganz
- 15/01/2019