Parcus Gallery...


Jerci Maccari


Jerci Maccari was born in 1949 in Urussanga SC, Brazil. At the age of 4 his family
moved to Francisco Beltrão, a city in the state of Parana in Brazil, where he lived his
childhood in the countryside, watching the daily routine of his relatives, planting and
reaping, living in the midst of nature.
Seeking for a more qualified education and with desire to pursue a religious career, he
decided at the age of 13 to leave for the Seminary of Ibicaré SC, where he received
intense humanistic-religious formation and an impeccable education. It was at this time
that his artistic gift was accentuated and he began working with new materials such as
watercolor, wax chalk and gouache paint.
After 5 years in Ibicaré, the next step in his life was the transfer to the Seminary of
Pirassununga, in the state of Sao Paulo, where he attended the Classical Course from
1967 to 1969, enough time to meet artists, to have access to books and art magazines,
deeping himself into the world of the arts. After this period he was transferred to a
religious house in Valinhos SP, the city where he has lived since then, to study
In 1972 he definitively disconnected himself from religious life and started attending a
free course of painting at the Municipal Council of Culture of Valinhos with the artist
Sebastião Guimarães, who immediately perceived the talent of his new student,
introducing him to the world of modern art. After the resignation of Sebastião Guimarães
from the Municipal Council of Culture, Jerci Maccari started an independent artistic
In his eagerness to find his own personal language, he searches in his origins for what
is most dear to him, the remembrances of his family and his childhood living in the
countryside. The result of this are the colorful canvases painted with oil or acrylic paint
As a way to have their relatives close to him, even in a fictitious way, they have all
become characters on his paintings, as a psychological and affective rescue.
Developing at the same time a socio-geographical-cultural and historical narrative of
family and agriculture, a way of life widely practiced in the southern region of the
country, with great influence of European immigration to Brazil in the early twentieth
The absence of faces in its characters is a social criticism of the little importance given
to the rural worker, the fundamental and indispensable labor force, the producer of the
food, who without it, we cosmopolitans, would die of hunger. The absence of a face
makes the portrayed person become a universal character, without a personal identity,
opening the possibility to each viewer to give them any other identity, according to the
environment in which he lives.

Selected solo exhibitions
2018 – “Jerci Maccari: the art for a better health”, Irmandade Santa Casa de
Misericórdia, Valinhos SP, Brazil
2017 – “Expo-mulher”, Francisco Beltrão PR, Brazil
2015 – “Ritorno Alle Origini”, Cultural Center of Urussanga, Urussanga SP, Brazil.
2014 – “Trajetória das Cores”, Guanabara Station Cultural Center – Unicamp (Universit
of Campinas, Campinas SP, Brazil.
2011 – “Arte nas Colunas”, Centervale Shopping Center, São José dos Campos SP,
2002 – “E a Primavera Chegou”, V Centenário Cultural Space – Legislative Assembly of
the State of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
1999 – “E a Primavera Chegou”, Fernando Costa Park, São Paulo, Brazil.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2021 – “A Arte nos Une” – International Exhibition of Art, Socorro SP, Brazil
2020 – V International Exhibition of Postal Art of Avilés, Spain (online)
2020 – Visual Arts Salon of Vinhedo SP, Brazil
2020 – “Conexões: Valinhos – Vinhedo”, Valinhos SP, Brazil (online)
2020 – “Arte Pela Cruz”, Mogi-Mirim SP, Brazil
2019 – Sticker Album: Artists of Valinhos, Valinhos SP, Brazil
2018 – “Salvem Nossos Figos”, Valinhos SP, Brazil
2017 – “Olhares”, Exhibition in Celebration of the 300th anniversary of the apparition of
Our Lady of Aparecida, Sanctuary Aparecida, Aparecida SP, Brazil
2017 – “Ocupe.Arte:Valinhos, Valinhos SP, Brazil
2009 – “V Panorama das Artes Plásticas Contemporâneas de Campinas”, Campinas
SP, Brazil.
1997 – “Brasilian Art”, Vasp Art Gallery, California, United States.
1996 – “Imaginação vendo além das aparências”, Academia Campinense de Letras,
Campinas, Brazil.
1996 – “Artes Plásticas Na Lusofonia” – Dom Manuel Palace, Évora, Portugal.
1988 – “Sete Visões Contemporâneas de Arte Sacra”, Centro de Cultura Artística,
Campinas, Brazil.
1988 – “Brazilian Art”, House of Brazilian Art Gallery, Campinas, Brazil.
2018 – “Nossa Itália Brasileira”, Organized by Claudia Mussi and Francesco Cherubin
2017 – Textbook “Aprender Juntos”, SM Publisher.
2014 – “Arte em Destaque”, Silvamarts Publisher.
2011 – “Obra Prima: valorizando talentos”, Lince Publisher.
2010/2011 – “Luso Brasileiro de Artes Yearbook, Anjos Art Gallery.
2010 – “A Coleção de Arte dos Contabilistas”, Instituto de Recuperação do Patrimônio
Histórico of State of São Paulo.
2006 – “Agricultura Familiar: desenvolvimento sustentável e solidário”, FETRAF-SUL.
1985 – “Três Expoentes da Pintura Ingênua Popular”, Luiz Ernesto Kawall, Glasurit of

Visit Project
  • 21/01/2023